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1 Question For the Summer: “What’s the Cost of This?”

As we dive into summer training, I challenge you to ask yourself one crucial question before every decision: “What’s the cost of this?”

Every action we take has a cost—whether it’s time, energy, focus, or potential distractions. For athletes striving to reach their peak performance, understanding this cost is essential. When you consider the cost, you weigh your choices against your goals, ensuring that your actions align with your aspirations.

For instance, staying up late might cost you valuable recovery time, affecting your performance the next day. Skipping a workout could mean missing out on progress toward your strength and conditioning goals. Conversely, committing to extra practice can enhance your skills, bringing you closer to your performance targets.

Parents, this question is equally important for you. Supporting your athlete often involves sacrifices, like time and resources. By evaluating the cost, you can ensure that your efforts are genuinely beneficial and sustainable for your family.

This summer, I encourage you to incorporate this mindset into your daily routine. Before making a decision, pause and ask: “What’s the cost of this?” Reflect on how each choice aligns with your long-term goals. By doing so, you’ll make more informed decisions that propel you towards excellence.

Remember, champions are made not just in the arena but in the choices they make every day! Let’s embrace this summer with a strategic mindset and see the transformative power it brings to your performance.

CHALLENGE:  Where could you ‘spend’ more this summer to create a version of yourself?

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